Communication Protocols

Purpose: The purpose of this operating procedure is to establish the criteria for various types of subjects that can be communicated to the TVBP General Membership via the TVBP email address or email system, and stream-line the approval process for sending emails to the TVBP General Membership.

Acceptable E-Blast Items from the TVBP Board:

  1. General Membership Meeting Notices.
  2. General Membership Meeting agendas.
  3. Volunteer Solicitations (committee members, Board members, special events, etc.) for TVBP sponsored events.
  4. TVBP Special Meeting notices.
  5. TVBP Members’ businesses ribbon cutting events.
  6. TVBP Member hosted or sponsored, free attendance networking events.
  7. Free attendance events sponsored by TVBP Member charity organizations.
  8. TVBP Community Event Information:
    • Classic Car Show and Taste of Tierra Verde
    • Oktoberfest
    • Christmas Tree Lighting

Communication requests which meet the above criteria can be scheduled for email distribution by the Media/Communications Director without prior approval from the TVBP Board.

Any other requests from TVBP Members or other external sources that do not conform to the above criteria will be reviewed and discussed at a TVBP Board meeting on a case by case basis.

Approval: This procedure was placed into effect following TVBP Board approval with simple majority vote.