Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
TVBP Membership Meeting 7:30 am
AGENDA 7:30 to 8AM–Breakfast and Social Time ($6 cash includes tip) 8AM Meeting Begins Welcome remarks and self introduction of board members and attendees Beaches Chamber of Commerce report–Doug Treasurer Report and 2014 contributions–Jack New[...]
2015 Business Expo 2:30 pm
2015 Tampa Bay Beaches Annual Dinner and Business of the Year Awards 6:00 pm
2:30pm – 4pm FREE Business Expo open to the public 4:30 – 5:30pm Cocktail Reception for paid attendees 6:00pm Dinner and Program Download the 2014 Business of the Year application here. TABLE SPONSORSHIPS and SUPPORTING[...]
Elements of the Marketing Plan 6:00 pm
Learn your target market, competition, business environment and how to write and implement a marketing plan. Topics covered include: Who are the right people for my product/service? Where do I find these people? What’s the[...]
QuickBook Basics 6:00 pm
Improve your knowledge and efficient use of QuickBooks so you can use it as a valuable tool in managing your business and improving profitability. Learn the basics of QuickBooks workflow while you customize your QuickBooks[...]
How to Make Your Business Thrive, Not Just Survive 6:00 pm
Entrepreneurs are often so focused on the day-to-day operations needed for survival that they don’t take time to look at the business as a whole. Changes can be made in every business to stimulate growth,[...]
Introduction to Business Taxes 6:00 pm
Introduction to Business Taxes and Tax Savings Tips Agenda: New tax law trends How is your business taxed? What happens if I have a loss/profit? How to pay yourself Commonly missed / red flag deductions[...]